Thursday, February 28, 2013

Live in Jamaica? I'm taking book orders!

I know some of you can't wait to get your hands on a paperback copy of my newest book, Sex, Lies, & Holiness.  Well, you can smile now because I'm taking orders!  You can also order my other novel, The Remnant, and my collection of poems and short stories, Flight Should Be About Beauty & Grace.  The first step is to fill out your contact info below, after which the full order form will be sent to you.  Thank you!

Friday, February 8, 2013

GIVEAWAY! Advanced PDF Copies of SLH

In the event that you missed my FB post or my Tweet earlier this week, my upcoming novel is entitled Sex, Lies, & Holiness.  That's what the #SLH has been all about.  The book is set in sweet Jamrock, and looks at the broader issues surrounding sex and sexuality (marriage, relationships, etc.) through the medium of the Jamaican context.  I suppose one way to describe it is that it tries to reconcile what we see and experience in our world with the concept of a by-the-Book, yet merciful God who is seeing it all too.

Now, the giveaway.  If you are interested in getting a free PDF copy of the book for review, read and complete this form: 

Volkswagen: hier kein Problem

A few days ago, I read a post by the lovely +Shari Kelly about the unnecessarily infamous Volkswagen Superbowl Ad.  Of course, I shared the post with the Darling Doctor and he told me about this video:

I had a hearty laugh about that one.  Truly Jamaican creativity at work.  And since I studied German years ago, it was just that much funnier.

Really, we are, "One Love" and "Out of Many, One People".  If you don't get that, you can't get the VW Ad.